Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting my Geek on

In Jr. High I was a geek.  I loved Star Trek TNG. Science and math were my favorite classes and I really wanted to learn to play D&D.  I also wanted to be liked and be popular.  Sadly by the time I got to High School that last one started to take over.  I was denying who I really was to try and gain acceptance from my peers.  I hid away my Klingon dictionary and my tarot cards, I stopped hanging out with the drama geeks (big mistake) and I generally started being a little poser. I think this is a mistake that a lot of girls make during their teen years.

But that's over now.  I'm embracing my long lost geek.  I'm doing this for two reasons. First and foremost I want to be true to myself.  Also I want to set a good example for my daughter (and the baby on the way).  I know we all make mistakes in our lives and there's nothing I can do to keep my kids from making their own but hopefully I can help them so that they doesn't look back on their teen years and think "what an fucking waste".

So here I am.  33 years old.  I still love science and math. My favorite shows are Big Bang Theory, House and Mythbusters and I still really want to learn to play D&D (something my darling manfriend has promised to help me with.)  But my inner 12 year old geek did get a special treat recently.  Last night at w00tstock 2.5.1 I met Wil Wheaton.  I made a Wesley Crushers bowling shirt (back story here) which I gave him before the show.  The look on his face when I gave him the shirt was pure joy and the best "thank you" I could have gotten. I'll write more about the show later but for right now I must share these great pics of me and Wil with our bowling shirts.
Wil in his shirt during the intermission

A couple of bad asses in their new shirts
A note about this picture.  I had to look at Wil's shoulder when we took this to keep from laughing my ass off.  I would never want to get into a staring contest with him that's for damn sure.


The introduction to the last song of the night featuring a shout-out by Wil to a "fellow redditor"

My autographed pic of Wil

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