Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Let the gaming begin!!

Well it's been a busy week around the geeky mom home. Last week I had jury duty. Then over the weekend we had a birthday party for Emily.

Jury duty pretty much entailed calling the courthouse repeatedly to see if I had to go in. The big up side of this is that I couldn't go into work and run the risk of being more than an hour away from the courthouse. I got a lot done around the house that day but more importantly once I was fully cleared from jury duty I could go off and do whatever I liked. So that afternoon Kevin and I went into the city to visit Gamescape before picking up Em from daycare. Gamescape is an awesome store and just what we needed to get the basics for D&D. We got the 4th edition core rulebook collection and some figurines (Kevin already had dice.) Kevin got a set of figurines (Nualia and Eyrium aka chick and little demon dude) and I got this really cool black knight. 

I fell in love with mine b/c he rides a skeleton horse and has a helmet with bat wings on it (for some reason he reminded me of the Evil Genius from Time Bandits, I need to watch that movie again.) 

So every chance I get I've been reading my D&D Player's Handbook. Thursdays are going to be our official game night and this Thursday we're going to start working on making our characters. I'm leaning toward some sort of elf (possibly an elf wizard) since they are natural archers. Kevin's been working on creating a campaign for the game. He said it's going to involve some sort of zombie attack in a small town. As luck would have it I read Max Brooks Zombie Survival guide a few months back so I'm well prepared for anything Kevin can dish out.

A few days after my jury duty/D&D adventure we had Em's 3rd birthday party. It was your typical kids party extravaganza; cake, balloons, pin the tail on the donkey and lots of gifts. Two of the gifts she got were the classic board games Candy Land and Shoots and Ladders. Today when we got home she wanted to play a game. We set up Shoots and Ladders and started to play. This was very cool for mommy. Em really seemed to like playing and was starting to “get it” after a while. This makes three games now that we can play together (the others are dominoes and Yoo-Hoo Can You Moo) and I must admit I'm really looking forward to the day that Kevin and I can take her to Gamescape and get her her very own figurine to paint and play D&D with.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought D&D would be fun. Just thought I was too old. Definately geeky enough.
