This past Friday I attended my first ever w00tstock. Now for those of you who don't know what w00tstock is, you could just check out their web site but I think it may be better to use the words of Wil Wheaton (sadly I didn't record it so I'll have to paraphrase.) "Picture a venn diagram. In one circle you have technology, in another science, then gaming, comics, music, Sci-Fi and LOL cats. Now surrounding all those is an even bigger circle labeled nerds. In the center of this diagram is w00tstock." By the way if anyone from w00tstock is reading this you should really post Wil's monologue (or the actual diagram he describes) to your front page - it would make it a lot easier for some of us to explain w00tstock to our friends.
The show was, in a word, awesome. There were lots of highlights and I couldn't possibly tell you about everything, nor would I want to because it really is something that should be experienced for yourself. I will share with you some of my highlights from the show (though the best part of the evening for me can be found in my 9/18/10 post.)
I am a huge Mythbusters fan (the original water heater rocket has to be one of the greatest pieces of television ever) so the fact that 3 of the 5 Mythbusters were there that evening was a wonderful treat. Obviously we all new Adam would be there, and after all the talk about Beerbot on Twitter I figured that Grant might make an appearance Kari however was a nice surprise even if it meant that one of the members of my group started pouting when she didn't stay to sign autographs after the show. Now if you watch Mythbusters you know that Adam does a pretty funny (and surprisingly good) impression of Jamie. What you may not know is that Grant does a unique impression of Jamie as well. Without further ado I present Jamie's mustache!
There was one other moment during the show that was not only great fun but it gave me that sort of nostalgic warm fuzzy feeling all over. Molly Lewis (accompanied by Paul and Storm - with a brief appearance by Wil) sang Conjunction Junction. I loved School House Rock growing up. And while most of my friends preferred I'm Just a Bill or Three is a Magic Number, Conjunction Junction was always my favorite. Sitting in the balcony of The Great American Music Hall, hearing a packed house sing along to this classic from my youth filled me with a level of joy that could only be surpassed by getting my picture taken with the object of my youthful pre-teen affections ( something that would occur later in the evening.) So here you have it Conjunction Junction performed by Molly Lewis, Paul & Storm, Wil Wheaton and a couple hundered geeks. Enjoy and have a good evening everyone.
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